Wednesday 12 June 2013

Excavation, drainage and foundation exploration

To the excitement of the children, a small excavator arrived to begin excavation and exploration of our house foundations.

The builders and building inspector need to understand the depth to which the extension foundations need to be dug.

Now that the existing house foundations can be examined, the building inspector will arrive and determine the depth to which the house extension foundations need to be dug. This also takes into consideration the type of trees within proximity of where the foundations will be dug.

If certain types of trees are within x metres, because they can take in excess of 100 litres out of the ground per day, this directly affects the type of foundations required on a house extension or new build.

This should be possible, if it stops raining! I think it's rained all day here today.

The pictures below show the house foundation exploration and a raised 'soak away' drainage pipe.

Exploration of house foundations

Hole to investigate house foundation depth

The garden having been dug for the foundation exploration


  1. Your grass is getting a beating

  2. To be fair it was never great although the garden was looking half decent until this week! :-/
